THE continued expansion of Bradford Credit Union is a testament to the value of the service for the ever-increasing number of people caught up in the credit trap.

The demand for such a service is, unfortunately, a sad indictment of the growing amount of individuals and families caught at the bottom end of the poverty scale.

But at least they can turn to organisations like the credit union, which now has 1,000 members and last year loaned out £1.5m, rather than having to use less scrupulous organisations with ridiculous interest rates.

Andrew Bowker, the union’s chief executive officer, is rightly proud of the work they have done and the number of people helped.

Too many who find themselves overwhelmed by debt are using pay day companies, or even worse, loan sharks and door-to-door lenders.

As a non-profit making organisation, the union and others like it can offer a much more reasonable level of interest, and a safer and more secure alternative.

Unfortunately, the membership level and number of people who use it only represent a very small number of those who are affected by debt at some level or another.

Many others find themselves facing extortionate repayments at very high interest rates, and will end up in a downward spiral of debt seeing no way of getting themselves out.

The Credit Union offers an alternative to that route, although it must be stressed that there is no easy way out. So it is important that the message is clearly conveyed so those in financial difficulties can borrow money without the fear of three or four figure interest rates.