SIR - In August, David Cameron said his first priority was “to keep our (British) people safe” and he recently declared that by bombing ISIS, this would help to secure that objective.

Yet it appears that since the bombing started, not only has ISIS not been stopped in its tracks, but in fact it has been strengthened with thousands of new recruits flocking to its banner.

Of course, this was what motivated ISIS to goad the West into involving itself in the first place and their next aim is that, when we see air raids aren’t working, we will send in the ‘infantry’.

Professor Robert Pape, director of the Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism, argued in June that “Far from hurting terrorists, re-engaging Iraq (and/or engaging Syria) would put us back on the path of a rising terrorist threat that has taken us over a decade to escape. We would be seen again as foreign occupiers and become a target for terrorist organisations again.”

So, rather than securing David Cameron’s stated objective, it would appear that the UK’s current foreign policy is more likely endangering British citizens by whipping up hatred of the UK.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose