SIR – Does Kris Hopkins, MP, honestly believe that George Osborne has the slightest intention of reducing any iniquitous gap between North and South? (Letters, October 3). Has George done anything this Parliament to address the wages gap in Keighley, where pay is half the national average?

Once a proud manufacturing town with a large crane works, lift manufacturers and many jobbing engineering works supporting the mines, the steel works and the power stations, now more famous for its unemployment levels, Kris had better circle Keighley on the map for him first.

Peddling the fairy story about the Labour-induced budget deficit (no mention of financial sleight of hand in the States feeding a housing price boom in the South) and the dashing young Chancellor that will reduce it, Kris is really taken in.

So why then doesn’t George really slay the dragon, go for the jugular with the acknowledged corporate tax avoiders and evaders (that rely on an educated, healthy, enthusiastic workforce but pay nothing for the privilege) and dispense with further misery planned for the poor? Finally, what does Kris propose to do with the extra ten minutes the Leeds-London journey might save him with HST and how will he ensure Keighley and the North benefit from this?

A Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Undercliffe, Bradford