SIR – The Liberals all but gone, Labour’s worst conference ever with promises of making the rich and the poor both poorer.

Why did they not attack the Tories for not getting the national debt under control, £900billion in 2010 and now £1,400billion and still rising?

The Tory conference with its £3billion cuts will make poverty compulsory.

The three dinosaur parties have nothing to offer the working mums and dads, only hardship and sorrow.

The EU have the UK sown up: if you leave your payments at only £55million per day then you must accept all Europe’s unemployed as their governments cannot afford our generous benefits.

560,000 new immigrants last year plus estimates of 50,000 illegal,and with trade on a slide in Europe, next year it could be a lot higher.

The three dinosaurs have no intention of disobeying Brussels: it could go against them getting their feet in the Euro trough when they lose.

When you take away the play-acting from their conferences, I did not see any serious attempt to win your vote in May 2015.

I believe they want Ukip to bail them out to avert an approaching disaster.

Bernie Pringle, Marion Drive, Windhill, Shipley