SIR – The T&A reports that Bradford officially has the worst drivers in the country (May 26).

However, I am sure that this is no surprise to those of us who have to drive around our city on anything like a regular basis.

The standard of driving is, far too often, simply appalling. It seems to me that the only effective way to address this is by substantially increasing the number of unmarked police cars patrolling the area so that culprits can be more easily seen and prosecuted.

We also see an increasing number of cars with noisy and illegal exhausts, and wonder why this is not being given more attention.

Add to this the number of illegally spaced number plates, which also do not show the manufacturers details as required by law. Another issue never properly addressed.

It cannot be too hard to find out who is manufacturing these plates, but does anyone ever bother?

All the above matters are indicative of the lax motoring standards with which we are constantly surrounded, and which need much firmer action to resolve.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon