SIR – The Department Of Work and Pensions (DWP) under Conservative Minister Iain Duncan-Smith is continuing to block publication of official reports that would disclose the failure of the Universal Credit Scheme – the new all-in-one benefit designed by Duncan-Smith to replace the large number of separate benefits.

This, despite several rulings saying the information should be disclosed.

For example, there is the Risk Register, which is a record and evaluation of possible risks to the development and operation of the Universal Credit Scheme and the gravity of those risks. Then there is the Issues Register which is a continuing record of problems within the programme.

It seems as if Mr Duncan-Smith would prefer to hide from the voting public, the extent to which his pet project is not exactly going to plan. Would he perhaps prefer us not to know what is going on until after May 2015?

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose