SIR – Most people are unaware that the USA and the EU are currently negotiating a trade deal shrouded in secrecy which would put the potential profits of big business before our health, welfare and the environment.

This is called the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP). Increased trade is usually to be welcomed, bringing new jobs, but critics of this potential deal believe the benefits have been over-estimated and the negatives ignored.

Leaked details suggest the real dangers of the ‘TTIP’ are: a) That it would allow companies to sue governments if they make decisions which negatively affect company profits eg capping energy prices.

b) That it would stop future governments from rolling back privatisation of our public services such as the NHS and energy companies.

c) That it would force the rules to be relaxed that protect consumers, our welfare/health services and our environment.

We don’t have to go back many years (the 2008 crash) to find out what lack of proper regulation costs. Surely we’re not going to make the same mistake again!

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose