SIR – With less than one year left of the 2010 Coalition Parliament, now degenerating into ‘Zombie’ mode, ie, with no new legislation likely to be introduced before the 2015 General Election, it is a great pity that two very relevant issues cannot be looked into.

First, the anachronism we know as the House of Lords which to abolish then replace with some form of ‘elected’ second chamber would be a major task, yet has a serious flaw whereby life peers once ennobled can never be removed, no matter what criminal acts they commit, even if sent to prison for, eg, arson, perjury, theft of public money, false accounting.

Surely Parliament could introduce rules for them which apply to others in professional occupations or holding public office, so when found wanting they would be expelled from our legislature, instead of being allowed to keep taking our money, tax free, with impunity.

Second, the vexed question of those ‘honoured’ with knighthoods, OBEs, etc, who are either involved with tax avoidance or is it evasion here, and others who choose to take themselves and their money abroad again to avoid UK tax rates, yet claim to be British ‘patriots’ at every opportunity – should they have their ‘honours’ rescinded?

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds