SIR – Does D S Boyes know that Ed Miliband and Ed Balls have accepted full responsibility for the collapse of Lehman Bros Bank in America which caused global financial meltdown all over the world and from which the UK could not escape?

This colossal event was the biggest example of what the late Conservative PM Ted Heath called ‘the unacceptable face of capitalism’.

Since he made that statement, subsequent faces of capitalism have shown many destructive faces.

At the moment our Chancellor is using capitalist principles trying to cure some of its destructive forces and it’s not working, is it?

He had a five-year National Financial plan to borrow a staggering amount of money to buy himself out of trouble, but he has already borrowed £100 billion more than he planned and extended austerity into 2018.

Some plan and a massive amount of taxpayers’ (I assume Mr Boyes is one) money wasted in interest. Let us face the fact, the coalition’s plan is in tatters because capitalism is just not working for all of us.

Allan Holdsworth, Sandside Close, Parkway, Bradford