SIR – The furore over food banks seems to be developing into a form of mass hysteria, with Labour Shadow Ministers, the Church of England Bishops etc all putting their two penn’orth in!

But reading between the lines, isn’t it just Labour propaganda, especially when you learn that the person promoting the main “Trust” body running these food banks is a known Labour activist?

Of course there are cases of genuine need who deserve help, but many others living La Vida Welfare just grab anything going that is free, while others squander their money on non-essentials then expect handouts.

As an OAP myself, I am classed as being on a benefit but have no difficulty in eating well every day.

England is not the Third World. No-one is starving here in a welfare state. All that anyone needs is some knowledge of how to budget what money is available, cook economically and live within their means.

I suspect the main problem today is lack of knowledge and experience, built up through generations encouraged by Labour to rely on the State for everything, not take personal responsibility like I was brought up to do by parents who endured hard times in the 1930s then rationing almost ten years after World War Two ended.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds