SIR – The decision was made by Bradford Council to reject the GMI developers scheme for the Crossley Evans site and that decision should stand (T&A, April 19).

By the developers lodging an appeal to overturn this, they are giving out a clear message that if they don’t get their own way they will continue until they get it.

The Council are there to do a job – they are paid to make the correct decisions for the areas they work in, not bow down to developers like GMI.

By them raising the appeal, they are showing audacity by belittling the Council’s opinions and rejection or their scheme.

The Council are well aware of what will serve Shipley best, they are also aware of the strong public feeling on this.

Who are GMI to try and impose an unwanted supermarket in our area by cherry-picking the site of Crossley Evans, which would destroy the 100 year old successful, well- respected business and small local businesses who would struggle to compete and could deter other businesses from moving into Shipley?

Because of the power of developers like GMI, who won’t take no for an answer and will not accept the reasons given for refusal, our town centre is at risk.

We need to have faith and respect in our councillors to look into these plans and have the strength, conviction and power to say no to developers, whose sole aim is profit, more profit and move on, not the welfare of the local community and businesses.

Mr A & Mrs J Bousfield, Westcliffe Road, Shipley