SIR – No doubt Mr Houghton of the HS2 Action Alliance (T&A, March 24) has sent his letter ‘round robin style’ to every newspaper within 25 miles of the proposed route of HS2.

He is using scare tactics – “wrecking families, blight of the landscape, an out of control budget”.

With people like him down the ages one has to wonder that we ever got anything done.

How did they ever build motorways never mind the early railways?

One has to concede that certain people will be affected by HS2 but it has been stated that the effect of HS1 on the surrounding areas was not as bad as people were led to believe.

Politicians have stated that there will be no blank cheque available to finance the project.

Methinks Mr Houghton needs to read RAIL magazine to get a more balanced view of HS2!

Michael T Leahy, Rowantree Avenue, Baildon