SIR – Philip Bird’s somewhat naive belief (Letters, February 15) that leaving the EU would leave us free of regulation but still have duty-free access to their markets is not borne out by the experience of the people of Norway.

They have regularly voted to stay out but are nevertheless dependent on the EU for much of their economic wellbeing.

As associate members of the single market, they remain bound by all the relevant laws and regulations. They also have to participate in and co-operate with EU agencies and programmes but without voting rights as well as having to make a financial contribution to the social and economic cohesion funds.

If UKIP gets its way and a referendum secures our ‘freedom’, other member countries are hardly likely to allow us a better deal than the Norwegians just because we import more from the EU than we export.

In other words we would have to march to the EU’s tune but with no say in choosing the music. Or perhaps Mr Bird and UKIP know something which the rest of us do not.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley