SIR – So public toilets are saved from closure. Children’s centres and youth services are saved from draconian cuts. Planned cuts in opening times at waste recycling sites are scrapped. All praise to Bradford Council? I don’t think so!

They have pulled this con trick far too many times. They announce worrying cuts and closures and then, following predictable public outcry and outrage, they miraculously find crocks of gold that no one knew existed and the day is saved – by them!

Instead of playing this infantile game, Bradford Council should seriously consider just how many of its 11,000 employees are really needed to deliver essential services. The pen-pushers, the clipboard-commissars and the empty suits should then be very gently nudged off the payroll. There would be no more need for cuts for many years to come.

Of course this won’t ever happen. The Council will, instead, waste many tens of thousands getting rid of a few hundred employees and then it will be back to mismanaged business as usual.

Any guesses as to the next tranche of threatened cuts? I guarantee it won’t be getting rid of the permit checkers at my local waste recycling sites!

Joe Woollard, Greystone Cottage, Bogthorn, Keighley