SIR – Bradford Council’s executive decision to approve the development of the Buck Lane fields into an industrial estate of mediocre commercial units, rather than their initial, much vaunted, High Technology Park, must be seen as a lost battle to those groups and individuals who, over the past three years, strove so hard to save this area of Baildon’s heritage.

The struggle, however, needs to go on. The developer’s latest site plan shows the area in question, covered with light industrial sheds but, interestingly and worryingly, the site’s spine road spur points east, poised to, perhaps, be extended into the fields situated to the south of Otley Road and as far as Hollins Hill, including the wonderful and highly successful Ghyll Beck lodge and golf driving range.

This land is already owned by the district and, while the Council professes to subscribe to a ‘brown fields first’ policy, the indications are that further development of these green fields is on the Council’s agenda.

D A Moncaster, Fyfe Grove, Baildon