SIR – Thank you for the article pointing out the hidden implications behind the NHS Shared Care Services scheme which comes into effect in April (T&A, February 8).

I was under the impression the scheme was to set up a central database linking surgeries and hospitals to give a quicker, effective service anywhere in the country as needed.

I had no idea information was then to be used by other agencies at the discretion of NHS England.

We are told the information given to “other agencies” was to be “anonymised”, but on clarification the only thing omitted is your name. Details like NHS number, gender, date of birth and postcode would be given out. This information with an electoral register would give unscrupulous individuals a field day for cloning an identity.

If my details are to be used for research or anything else, I want to know about it and not have NHS England decide for me and either give or sell the data to anyone without my permission.

Surely the sharing of such sensitive information without consent is illegal under the Data Protection Act. We have until March 31 to get the form from our GPs to opt out.

Sandra Benn, Oakdale Road, Wrose