SIR – I would like to clarify some points on the Diocese of Bradford’s development of a small part of church glebe land in Guiseley.

The development of this plot was agreed in principle in 2011 with the Scouts and Guides who meet on the next-door plot of glebe land (which is not involved in the planning application). At that time we entered into a 20-year lease with them to give them security of tenure and this arrangement continues exactly as agreed.

The next-door plot of land was reserved for proposed development and, until planning applications were ready to be drawn up, the Diocese agreed temporary access to this next-door plot on an interim basis and at no charge (until the completion of work on the neighbouring vicarage site).

Rather than wanting to ‘keep it quiet’, the proposed development of the site has been public knowledge for the last three years.

The recent planning application was withdrawn because it erroneously indicated that this plot of land was ‘not being used’. This will be corrected in a revised planning application and we apologise for the consternation it caused.

The Venerable David Lee, Archdeacon of Bradford, Kirkgate, Shipley