SIR – So, the first hurdle towards an in-out referendum on EU membership has been cleared (T&A, January 11) which could give us a vote in 2017.

Hang on a minute, 2017 is a long way off yet. What was wrong with a vote last week? What about a vote a week next Friday?

The fact of the matter is that we never will secure a vote on continuing membership of the EU because politicians of all persuasions are frightened of their own shadows where the EU is concerned.

All politicians are well aware how the country would vote if we were allowed a referendum.

Peter Mandelson is quoted as saying that Britain should not be allowed a vote on this issue because it would be a ‘lottery’.

Hold it! I thought that was the idea, to see how the public would vote. Let’s not hold our breaths over this issue.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw