SIR – I am writing after finally feeling the need to vent my frustration at what must be the most idiotic traffic planning in human history. I refer to the stretch of road from mid-St Enoch’s Road to the traffic lights at Southfield Lane.

On the stretch of road with all the housing there are no speed cameras, however in the next stretch, on the wide-open, virtually pedestrian-free stretch, there are. After this stretch when we again reach a built-up area, nothing. Is it just me or does this not make any sense (unless you are merely interested in revenue)?

Next we have the largely-ignored box junction before the traffic lights.

With the lights at red I dutifully stop at the box junction, only for very grateful motorists entering it from Haycliffe Lane.

Travelling this route every day I can guarantee this happening with a stream of vehicles parking in the box waiting for the green light.

Two suggestions:

  • Move the speed cameras to the built-up areas
  • Install a filter light at Haycliffe Lane.

If the powers-that-be are so desperate for revenue, install a camera at the Southfield Lane traffic lights to enforce the box junction rule.

C Durkin, Moffat Close, Wibsey