SIR – In hard times, mind refinement must give way to the essentials of life but all the same it is regrettable if the refurbishment of the Media Museum (pictured) has to be delayed, as mentioned in Karl Dallas’s letter (T&A December 14).

However, 40,000 signatures of protest represents only about 7.5 per cent of Bradford’s population but if they and all the rest of the city’s adult population visited regularly and popped a £1 coin in the donation box, a great deal could be done. It has to be sufficiently supported to survive long-term. His beloved Labour would be making drastic cuts as well. In Socialist Russia, people queued outside Moscow’s department store, having no idea what was on offer once inside, but money was lavished on the arts. What do the majority of Bradfordians want? Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley