SIR – I would like to thank your readers and our supporters in Bradford who have helped support the NSPCC throughout 2013, another year that has seen many high-profile child abuse cases and shocking stories of cruelty so severe they’ve resulted in the deaths of innocent children – often at the hands of those who were supposed to protect them.

No-one can forget the faces of little Daniel Pelka, Hamzah Khan and Keanu Williams following their tragic deaths. This is a clear indication that while the scale and effect of child abuse have moved centre stage, still more needs to be done to prevent it from happening.

But a huge amount was achieved over the year. Child protection workers at the NSPCC’s helpline helped protect more children than ever before. The NSPCC’s helpline is there 24/7; if you have concerns about a child, give us a call on 0808 8005000 or e-mail

Please don’t forget, although Christmas is a magical time of year for most children, there are some for whom it can be incredibly difficult and lonely. This December, ChildLine counsellors will be on hand 24 hours a day, every day.

To make a donation, text HOPE to 70744 to give £4 or visit

Helen Verity, NSPCC Community Fundraising Manager, West Yorkshire