SIR – Looking at the Keighley Gala Facebook page, I realise their preferred date for next year clashed with the Tour – Le Tour gala date headache (T&A, November 13).

I wondered if they might incorporate the gala within the day, but understand road closures are part of the problem.

It seems a shame to miss an opportunity to somehow marry the two events together. Perhaps we could have a ‘children’s gala’ next year – on the Tour day – where the children can parade in fancy dress around the town hall square. And what about those fantastic paper dragons etc we had this year? What a carnival atmosphere they would give. Perhaps we could have a ‘wheels theme’ and the children could walk, or push their cycles, dolls prams, scooters (anything with wheels) along a defined route.

The fairground would be a good place for people to go during the boring bits of the Tour.

Come on Bradford and Keighley councillors, talk to the gala committee and let’s make the day not only special for the Tour but a day to remember for the children, and one that could give a much-needed boost to the Keighley Gala and raise lots of funds.

Elizabeth Mitchell, Clough Fold, Keighley