SIR – Councillor Jeanette Sunderland (T&A, October 23) believes that much of the blame for Bradford’s quality of living being the worst in the UK is attributable to delays in the Westfield development.

This being the case, then the blame is in effect attributable to the lack of negotiating competence of senior Council officials and the gullibility of the councillors who for the last ten years have found it more convenient to believe whatever Westfield have told them.

Westfield will only proceed when they have enhanced their profit by dragging the last penny of subsidy from the public purse. Thus the benefit of a private company will serve to detract further from the finance available for Bradfordians’ genuine quality of living in the areas of health, housing and education.

Public money is finite and can only be used once, so it is the responsibility of our elected representatives to ensure that it is used to our advantage and not for political expediency.

Everybody makes mistakes, but those who have the courage to admit them and try to make recompense are worthy of our continuing support.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon