SIR – When will the ‘dinosaurs’ of the Communication Workers Union shouting through loud hailers to their members about strike ballot results – many of whom will be distinctly uneasy about potential loss of wages just before Christmas – realise that the 1970s ended more than three decades ago?

The last Labour government broke the monopoly of Royal Mail by introducing competition from the private sector at the behest of the EU and now privatisation by being floated on the Stock Exchange is a fait accompli, with every postal worker already showing a profit on the shares they have been given, that tax-free because of the generous capital gains.

With the Royal Mail pension scheme guaranteed by the taxpayer, and the universal postal service protected by law, plus assurances about the Post Office network, what have they got to complain about?

If strike action goes ahead, what can it achieve other than any new owners of Royal Mail advertising for replacement staff, when there would be thousands of applicants.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Leeds