SIR – Here we go again – the Sty Lane development rears its ugly head. How many more times? The last application was rejected by Bradford Council, a Government Inspector, and finally Eric Pickles, Secretary of State.

It has been rejected because of the difficult access of the swing bridge over the canal, Micklethwaite Lane and Sty Lane, which are narrow and very dangerous roads even in good weather. Access through the Oakwood estate has been proved to be equally dangerous due to the amount of vehicles likely to be using it from 440 new houses. In wintry conditions it adds up to danger, especially if there was an emergency.

Even with CCTV cameras, one-way traffic systems, barriers and a new swing bridge, it is all a very dangerous cocktail.

I object to the whole proposal for the reasons above, and as a resident of Micklethwaite we will be unable to drive directly down to the swing bridge. We will have to turn up Sty Lane and turn right into the estate passing through the new houses before reaching the bridge.

I have been told Bellway and Redrow can go on submitting plans forever but this will never change the access problems. This land should be reverted back to a greenfield site.

Keith Allatt, Micklethwaite Lane, Micklethwaite