SIR – When offered a few specifics about some of the recommendations regarding the direction of fiscal travel inherent in his socialist musings, Mr Hindle hurtles off at a tangent into random generalisation . He says that I blame the nation’s economic ills on ‘foreigners and socialism’.

My grave doubts about our membership of the EU does not mean I blame foreigners. The unwisdom of our continued membership is our very own British fault – which I trust may be belatedly rectified come the referendum.

As for socialism – well, yes, it is a bit of a snag. Every Labour government since the party’s foundation in 1900 has left office with unemployment higher than when it came in.

I sometimes tease socialist friends, especially if they are scientists keen on testing evidence, by gently enquiring how many times a theory has to be shown wanting by the evidence, before it dawns on them that the theory is, quite simply, wrong!

Mike Pollard, Moorfield Drive, Baildon, Shipley