SIR – Re the letter from Councillor David Robinson (T&A, September 12) having a dig at me for criticising the local councillors in the Wyke/Low Moor wards.

I’m sorry sir, but you haven’t done what the local people want, about a bus lane in Wyke, where there is one bus every 30 minutes, and there is still a tail-back of traffic during rush hour.

A mini roundabout installed on New Works Road has done nothing to curb the lunatics who ignore the signs, and vehicles speed across without a care – there have been some very near misses. It’s only a matter of time.

The people of Oakenshaw have campaigned for speed cameras on Cleckheaton Road. Plus there was the ‘heated’ debate held at Holy Trinity Church regarding Low Moor station.

You end your letter saying the station will be built. When? Please provide a starting date.

I don’t attend meetings because I’m not wasting my time listening to excuses. I’m not in the habit of making enemies. I criticise councillors just as everyone else in Bradford does.

A Labour councillor called at my house with a leaflet asking for my vote at the last local elections. I voted for him. He was elected then later he changed sides to become Independent. Isn’t this now a ‘void’ vote as I voted for a Labour candidate and no-one else?

B Barraclough, New Works Road, Low Moor