SIR – I feel the need to comment again on this. Crossley Evans has served Shipley since 1913, survived two world wars, is steeped in history and has reached out and provided a service to families in the area over that time.

I am sure that some parents and grandparents will remember during hard times years ago, when you could go to Crossleys with a bag of rags or woolies and have them weighed in, in exchange for a few bob, which was a lifesaver for struggling families.

Mr Evans is too young to remember all the past, as is the Council, but we must show Crossleys the same support and give them the same chance of survival against the proposed supermarket.

If the Council says we must have another supermarket then they should go with the Cardinal site because they want and need to move to safeguard their business. Shipley would still get a supermarket, even though public opinion shouts we do not need another one.

A 100-year-old business site would be spared from closure and Cardinals would be allowed to move and take their business forward.

J Bousfield, Westcliffe Road, Bradford