Sir – Bradford Council's decision to no longer grant taxi licences to six or eight-seater vehicles does understandably not appear to have gone down at all well, and Councillor Debbie Davies (Con, Baildon) has rightly asked that the decision be reconsidered (T&A, August 27).

This is reflected in the T&A online poll result published the following day which showed that 70 per cent of the Bradford public want a rethink.

How disappointing, therefore, that Regulatory & Appeals Panel chairman David Warburton seems quite happy to stand by the decision despite these calls to look again at the issue. It seems all the more of a nonsense when neighbouring authorities still approve such vehicles, and they are quite happily and legally used by many ordinary families.

Mr Warburton doesn’t feel it necessary to take the decision back to the panel, having had an “in-depth consultation with taxi drivers”. What a pity that such a consultation was not also considered with the wider public who use the taxis.

It seems to be a flawed decision that really needs to be urgently looked at again.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon