SIR – Re David Rhodes’s questions on Lib-Dems curbing Tory excesses in Government (Letters, July 5).

Social housing is a problem due to sale of stock and lack of building under Tory and Labour governments.

Will the so-called ‘bedroom tax’ achieve desired aims? It will, at least, highlight under-occupancy and lack of suitable homes for an increasing number living alone. I foresee problems and possible changes.

I’m sorry Mr Rhodes feels wealthy pensioners (eg company bosses with pensions worth millions) are suffering through losing winter fuel allowances.

Lib-Dems did not give “unwavering support” to increases in (Labour’s) tuition fees, insisting on: l lower monthly repayments than under Labour l lower-earning graduates repay less than under Labour l top-earning graduates repay more than borrowed l non-repayable living-cost grants for half-a-million graduates l more overall maintenance support l £150 million for new scholarship programme for students from poorer backgrounds If Labour had been re-elected and increased their tuition fees, would they have introduced such benefits?

Does Mr Rhodes doubt that a Tory government alone would be pressing ahead with many other policies not to his taste?

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon