SIR – I’ve received a letter from Holland to say I’ve won £14,000 – they will send the cheque provided I send them £30. If I do, I’ll never hear from them again. How many others across the country receive these, and how many send the £30?

It’s a con, we know this. But then a small catalogue arrived from Glasgow selling health products and my wife sent for some. Within weeks, she received a letter stating she is the winner of £80,000. All she has to do was spend more than £30 and they will send the cheque.

Where is this £80,000 coming from? Another letter arrived. If she didn’t respond within 14 days, the cheque will be given to someone else. I told her it’s a con.

Within days, another catalogue arrives from a different company. Again, I told her not to buy anything. Later, another letter arrived stating she is the winner of £40,000 if she spends more than £30!

I sent letters to both companies, accusing them of fraud by trying to get money out of people. We’ve not heard from them since.

Don’t be conned, and when you get junk mail send it back (return address). One day these companies will get the message that we don’t want their special offers. We go to the shops when we want something.

B Barraclough, New Works Road, Low Moor