SIR – Apart from some crude anti-Americanism, the Campaign for Accountability of American Bases (Letters, July 1) has little point or purpose.

The ‘shock horror’ disclosures from Edward Snowden have gained little traction with public opinion because most people know that nations spy on each other as well as on so-called disruptive elements within their own borders.

Ms Dean and her organisation should produce some examples of just how information obtained by Menwith Hill and elsewhere has actually been misused as it was during the reign of Margaret Thatcher.

During the miners strike, for example, some Kentish miners were arrested at the mouth of the Dartford tunnel under public order legislation. They were on their way to support colleagues picketing the Nottinghamshire coalfields, but their intentions were revealed by GCHQ intercepts.

Similarly, Neil Kinnock was badly embarrassed by the disclosure of his calls to a defence lawyer during the Spycatcher trial in Australia.

Both incidents were clearly unlawful, but in those days, Thatcher could do more or less as she pleased and there was no-one to call her to account.

Let’s hope that if something like this happens now, the CAAB and Christine Dean will do something about it.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley