SIR – Shipley MP Philip Davies rightly calls for the scrapping of the multi-billion pound HS2 train (T&A, June 27), and hats off to him and the small number of Tory MPs for urging the Government to scrap the project.

While everything Mr Davies says is correct on HS2, it is totally contradic‘tory’ to his party’s policy. Whatever the redeeming qualities of Mr Davies as an MP, and however outspoken he is about his party’s policies, he is still propping up a Tory administration and buying a ticket for the HS2.

On HS2, local people are increasingly voting on principle and policy rather than tribal loyalty. Many Tory councillors have fallen under the unpopular HS2 juggernaut to be replaced by a new councillor, a councillor from a democratic party that stands up for their views. All aboard the UKIP Express!

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury