SIR – May I congratulate Kierston Hunt for the defence of dogs (Letters, June 28). Unfortunately there seems to be a lack of ‘dog’s best friend’ in the world today.

By placing restrictions on dogs, the authorities are signing the death warrants on thousands of dogs and alienating their owners.

Yes, I know that a lot of dogs are put down every day for whatever reason, and this should be addressed. Unfortunately, dogs are allowed to breed without a thought to their welfare, and this practice alone is responsible for many unwanted animals.

In my view, restrictions and education should be placed on the backyard breeders who are the root cause of this problem.

What is needed is a figurehead, an animal lover who can influence a change in the hearts and minds of the majority of the public. May I nominate Paul O’Grady?

Trevor Williams-Berry, Bredon Avenue, Wrose