SIR - It is a tad naive of John Cole to profess that his Lib Dem colleagues’ opposition to the Communications Data Bill will somehow enhance civil liberties.

It will not change the amount of state surveillance by one jot.

The various security services have routinely monitored all electronic communications for a generation now – what do you think really goes on at Menwith Hill and GCHQ? They will continue to expand their coverage, regardless of any window-dressing legislation.

The only purpose of the proposed Bill was to allow some evidence gained from covert snooping to be used in criminal trials – without the Bill, use of any such information would imply formal admission of its illicit acquisition.

The Bill would not change the volume, frequency, range or growth of surveillance at all, it would merely enable some of it to be openly admitted in some circumstances.

So any claim of enhanced civil liberties is patent nonsense, the snooping will carry on increasing, only the formal admission of it remains concealed for now.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon