SIR – Karl Dallas (Letters, May 29) was absolutely right to take the paper to task for not having any post-event coverage of the substantial Pentecost Praise celebration held in City Park on Sunday, May 19.

The editor’s response, stating that the event had been previewed the day before was, with respect, not good enough.

These festivities surely justified being significantly reported in the T&A. One has to wonder what coverage would have been provided if this had been such a well-attended event by one of the alternative faiths?

On this occasion, hang your heads in shame, T&A.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon

Editor’s note: The response to Mr Dallas addressed the coverage before the event. We did carry pictures from the event itself on Monday as part of a round-up of the many weekend events that took place.

Aside from the fact that we had to allocate significant resources to Bradford City playing at Wembley, with 25,000 fans travelling down, and many more cheering them on in the city, that weekend also saw the Lord Mayor’s Parade, the Haworth 1940s weekend, the Urban Festival in City Park, Otley Show and Pudsey Carnival, all of which also attracted thousands of people.

We would have liked to have used more pictures from Pentecost Praise, but a combination of timing, resources and lack of space meant it was not to be, and we are sorry if those who attended feel let down. For Mr Watson to imply any political motivation, however, is completely incorrect.