SIR – On Bank Holiday Monday, we spent a very pleasant few hours at Lister Park and Cartwright Hall. This was our first visit and we were impressed by the high standards throughout the Park and in the Hall.

These facilities are a credit to the Council and the people in the local community. The park was busy with many families enjoying their Bank Holiday. What could possibly detract from such a well-maintained park?

When we ventured down the short path to the Thornton’s Waterfall, we were saddened to see the amount of litter thrown into the pool at the foot of the waterfall: carrier bags, empty cans and bottles and discarded food wrappers.

It would be difficult to lay blame with the Council; the overall high standards across the park are a testament to their good work.

How can it be that some of the park’s visitors see fit to blemish such a fine feature with such casual indifference?

Be proud of your community facilities and give them the respect they deserve. Can it be really that difficult to find one of the many bins so you can dispose of your litter in a responsible manner?

John Piasecki, Bradford Road, Dewsbury