SIR – I was not surprised to learn of the large deficit of around £162,000 incurred by Keighley Town Council.

When the council voted to buy the old Police Station, I warned at the time that this was an unacceptable gamble with ratepayers money, and went on to say in letters to this newspaper – branded as negative by some councillors – that the bill would soon be dropping on the ratepayers doormats.

This council should now accept that its majority decision to purchase this building was wrong, the mere fact that it would be self-financing was rubbish, and made little sense.

The way forward? Get the building on the market as soon as possible. To say that the Civic Centre is here to stay is crazy and unfair to the ratepayer.

£74,000 deficit in February, and now in only a few weeks it has gone up to £162,000, plus the running costs and loan repayments on top, are unsustainable.

In the meantime, reduce council spending to the bare minimum, cancel funding to projects outside our parish, cancel expensive pop concerts, and reduce committee budgets by half. The cost of a Town Mayor should also receive attention.

Ron Beale, Ridgemount Road, Riddlesden, Keighley