SIR – According to a report by Bradford Council’s Corporate Overview & Scrutiny Committee (T&A, May 4), the Council is failing to get the best deals from its suppliers. This, one assumes, is costing ratepayers dearly.

It was highlighted that none of the 170 staff engaged in procurement were suitably trained, and various other shortcomings were also mentioned.

While this may now, hopefully, be addressed, surely further questions need to be asked.

We have a very highly paid chief executive in Tony Reeves, who seems to preside over one continuing shambles after another. Isn’t it time that the buck stops here as far as he and his role are concerned?

That we seem to be getting nothing like value for money from his massive salary really does now need to be investigated much more thoroughly. In recent years he appears to have become untouchable, which cannot be healthy for Bradford’s sake.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon