SIR – While, as a Christian, I cannot wish for any of God’s children to be consigned to eternal hellfire, I welcome George Galloway’s reaction to the cynical outpouring of crocodile tears at the death of Margaret Thatcher, in many cases by the very politicians who so brutally cast her aside once she had done her job of destroying British industry, and in particular our mining industry.

Thank God for one politician, at least, who speaks out against such hypocrisy.

I believe that she has now stood before the Seat of Judgement to account for the terrible havoc she wreaked in British society and especially upon the poor, and does not need any further condemnation from such as me. “Judgement is mine, saith the Lord”.

To my mind, the best way of remembering her legacy would be to bring back the free school milk she snatched from our children, who need it more than ever now that, thanks to the present Government’s continuation of her policies, child poverty is growing exponentially.

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford