SIR – I was shocked and deeply embarrassed when I read the vitriolic comments made by George Galloway MP regarding the death of Margaret Thatcher.

This man represents our city on a national level. I found his comments to be deeply offensive both to her and her family, that these comments came from Bradford.

This is somebody who claims to represent a party called ‘Respect’. I would suggest that he spends some time looking at what this word actually means.

I, like many other people, did not always agree with Mrs Thatcher’s politics, but she was an elected leader of our country for three consecutive terms of office, something George Galloway and his sidekicks will never achieve.

I sincerely hope that the people of Bradford West turn out in their numbers at the next election to ensure that this legend in his own mind will be back to his feline routine in the Big Brother studio, which is about his level.

Paul Bartle, Mitchell Close, Idle