SIR – Keith Thomson suggests extreme warm and extreme cold are the result of an ‘energetic, changing and warming atmosphere’ (T&A, April 3).

What nonsense. Even climate change fanatics now acknowledge that the Earth is cooling – that is the reason they changed their mantra from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’.

While I am not a scientist, and neither, I suspect, is Mr Thomson (or indeed global warming guru Al Gore), I did learn a few things in school and one was that C02 is not a pollutant.

In fact, it’s quite important as trees eat it!

If there was no C02, then trees would die and we would be in trouble because they produce oxygen which is pretty important for us. So carbon dioxide is essential to the life cycle.

The fact is, the Governments’ ‘Climate of Fear’ only exists to control and tax us.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury