SIR – It should not surprise your recent correspondents that I am an advocate for internationalism and peace. Those who have witnessed conflict themselves often fight the hardest to prevent it.

As a soldier, I was fortunate enough to work alongside many different cultures all over the world, and I saw the value of international development. I also learned that strength lies in diversity, and I am proud to live in a society that still welcomes it.

We live in a supranational society where a crisis anywhere can affect everyone else, regardless of geography and almost instantly. The credit crunch and terrorism are just two examples.

So, the proponents of nationalism calling for us to abandon the European Union, and human rights, must understand that the consequences are a divided and unstable society which is ineffective at addressing global problems. Our long-term survival and human development will require co-operation on an ever-increasing scale to succeed.

'United we stand, divided we fall’ – a vote to leave Europe is a very bad call.

Ian Lyons, Liberal Democrat, Parish Councillor (Baildon East), Cliffe Avenue, Baildon