SIR – What have Tony Blair and George W Bush really achieved in Iraq since the British and US forces invaded and blew Saddam Hussein out of his seat of power ten years ago?

In my view, absolutely nothing on the positive side. On the negative side, thousands have been murdered, tortured, kidnapped, the country is in total anarchy, large numbers of our lads have been killed. The cost of the invasion for our government at that time has run into billions.

Without doubt Iraq is far, far worse now and far more have died since Saddam Hussein was toppled.

May I also point out that Hussein was never a threat to world peace, only to his own people. The smoking gun was never found as it did not exist.

Mr Blair said recently we had to remove this monster. Yes, Saddam Hussein was a monster, but when we look back over the last ten years since the war and all the killings and bombings; one begins to wonder just who the real monster or monsters really were.

R Halliday, Crag Road, Shipley