SIR – After reading the article (T&A, March 9) headed ‘MP’s demand over odious comment’, it got me thinking, perhaps Respect MP George Galloway (pictured) is in the wrong job.

Maybe Mr Galloway would have been better suited as a plumber’s mate or a fork-truck driver. The old saying goes, if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

To be a Member of Parliament, one has to be able to take stick as well as dishing it out.

Mr Galloway burst on the Bradford scene some time ago with his retinue waving banners proclaiming ‘Respect’. Respect for what, we ask? Respect for whom? Respect is merely a word.

Perhaps Mr Galloway could enlighten us on what his ‘Respectful’ future policies for Bradford are liable to be?

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw