SIR – It was an honour to join my colleagues last weekend in rejecting the Government’s plans to introduce ‘secret courts’ – a democratic privilege unique to our membership.

Our aim is to build a stronger economy and a fairer society in the UK, and civil liberties must be at the heart of that plan.

In contrast, it is disturbing that a right-wing party, advocating our isolation from Europe, is becoming so vocal here in Yorkshire, where the economy, and our jobs, are so reliant on this peaceful partnership. This is quite ironic when you consider that its leader admits to spending millions of his EU expenses on campaigning.

If we continue to tolerate the threat of these extremists, our society will inevitably become divided, our economy weakened, and our future unstable.

As a proud Yorkshireman, who fought for this country, I cannot allow that to happen. So I urge your readers to remember the lessons of history and challenge these views before it goes too far. Silence is complicit.

Ian Lyons, Liberal Democrat, Parish Councillor (Baildon East), Cliffe Avenue, Baildon, Shipley