SIR – I, like many Bradford people, find it very difficult to get excited at the mention of Westfield. It’s more likely to be anger at the way Westfield and our Council have handled the whole situation from start to finish.

I would say most Bradford people don’t even read your excellent reports and coverage about the various meetings and constant promises. These have gone on for so long, Westfield and our city should be looking at a compensation package for all the businesses that were lost forever in the city cull.

I worked in the construction industry for many years and our contracts were always placed with penalty clauses, not open-ended.

It is sad that we need to place an order with a company based in Australia, making it difficult to communicate and know what they are up to.

Westfield have just posted 2012 figures with a profit of £1.16 billion – not turnover, this is profit. There must be a bit of Bradford money in there somewhere.

In the latest reports they use words like ‘reiterate’ and ‘intention’ to start work in Bradford. We all reiterate, we all have good intentions, like our New Year’s Resolutions, but so many of us fall along the way.

I think the words that come to mind are ‘Seeing is believing’.

Trevor D Abbott, Hawke Way, Low Moor