SIR – Firstly let me say that I am not a Liberal Democrat member or voter (and never will be), nor am I a constituent of David Ward. However, I feel that I must defend his right to freedom of speech and thought.

I read and heard his observations on Israel and the situation faced by the Palestinians. His words did not strike me as anti-semitic, he was being critical of the Israeli government’s policy toward the Palestinian population.

It seems that anyone who speaks to defend the Palestinians and be critical of Israeli government policy is immediately branded as anti-semitic. I do not believe that David Ward is anti-semitic. If he held these views, he would have not got through the vetting process to become a councillor or MP.

It seems that the Liberal Democrat leadership have started a witch hunt. He has already been censured for his comments and has made a public apology, and there the matter should rest. This leaves me wondering if the ‘dark arts of politics’ are coming into play and is there an agenda to try and discredit David Ward?

Good luck to Mr Ward. Do not be bullied or coerced and continue to speak out where there is injustice and damn your critics.

Gerrard Myers, Raven Street, Bingley