SIR – Most of my friends have asked me why David Cameron decided to bring up the issue of gay marriage now when there are certainly more pressing matters in the country. Initially I thought he’d just got bored of beating up on poor people but soon realised there was a method to his brand of posh madness.

Yes you’ve guessed it, Cameron’s latest stance is not one of principle, unsurprisingly, it is yet another concession to the EU.

An EU report due to be voted through the EU Parliament this November would see all marriages and civil contracts conducted in any EU country become legally binding in all other member states. So Cameron’s assignment was to implement EU law.

So Mr Cameron managed to upset the Church and alienate half his own party, and all for an issue that wasn’t really an issue, just to prevent a potential showdown with the European Union.

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury