SIR - Regarding the article headlined Elderly care facing funding time bomb', 370,000 older people will be affected nationally with these proposed cuts.

We read daily that post offices are closing due to their services being reduced. These are mainly used by elderly people.

We have free bus travel for pensioners but find services are being cut. These cuts affect our ageing population. Where will it end?

We have this weekend acknowledged how previous generations gave up their lives so we could have freedom in this country.

Politicians should be aware they have a responsibility to serve the older generation in their daily living and help remove concerns about high fuel bills and the increase in living costs.

It would mean a great deal if the retirement pension could be raised so people can be independent and not feel the only way they can live financially secure is by holding the begging bowl out and feeling like second-class citizens.

There are various organisations working to help with elderly peoples' problems. I would urge you to join and support our organisation here in Bradford and at least have a voice.

Jean Walker, Chairman, Bradford & District Senior Power, Kentmere, Wrose